You know what bothers me slightly?
When a friend or co-worker surprises you with a sweet little plate of cupcakes that are only really store-bought cupcakes, but at least they went through the trouble of taking that weird plastic bottom-of-the-cupcake liner off of them before putting them on a plastic plate. You know, the kind that imitates nice china with embroidery on it? Or the china version of embroidery.
Immediately after you have taken a bite of this tasty morsel your friend or co-worker has so kindly delivered to you out of the goodness of their heart, they go: “You ate it! By eating this cupcake you agreed to bring me some other treat later this week!”
What’s worse is when they don’t immediately demand a return cupcake.
But then you see them at the water cooler on Thursday and they go: “What the fuck, dude. Where’s my cupcake?”
I don’t know, guy. But if you’re gonna give out cupcakes, don’t expect a return cupcake unless you ask for one. Also don’t call it a gift cupcake if it’s a barter cupcake.