Sunday, March 9, 2025


Aries – Mar. 21 to Apr. 19

You’re stalling, and I don’t blame you; we’ve all been there. Feeling uninspired, unmotivated, and disconnected aren’t just symptoms of depression; they happen to everyone at some point. I’ll tell you a secret though … it’s okay. It’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to take time for yourself. It’s okay to pause and take a breath. This will pass, after all. Nothing is permanent, and that’s okay.

Taurus – Apr. 20 to May 20

Usually, I would not condone reckless and impulsive behaviour. Especially when it’s an emotional reaction to a recent disappointment. But the cards seem to signal that in your case the outcome might be the discovery of a new freedom or experience. Sometimes life needs to push us out of our comfort zones, and although it can be infuriating to be pushed in any sense, sometimes we land on something unexpected.

Gemini – May 21 to Jun. 20

What is it you want, exactly? Do you even know? You seem to have conflicting goals, and it’s leading you to pick short-term pleasure over long-term ambitions. Try to figure out what you want and focus on it, cause right now you’re giving off I’ll-start-tomorrow vibes. 

Cancer – Jun. 21 to Jul. 22

How many jugs can a juggler juggle, if a juggler could juggle jugs. Don’t worry, I don’t expect an answer; after all, you’re not a juggler. So how’s about you put some of these things you’re juggling down. Don’t get me wrong, it’s very entertaining to watch, but sweetie you need some “you” time to consider the three R’s; reground, recentre, and reflect.

Leo – Jul. 23 to Aug. 22

If this was a personal reading, it would be quite clear that you’re about to come into some inheritance, which will give you a new freedom in life. Something you’ve always wanted is now doable. But, since reason tells me not every Leo out there will have a distant rich uncle die — because let’s face it, there aren’t that many rich uncles out there — I’ll leave the interpreting to you. 

Virgo – Aug. 23 to Sept. 22

Anger has forced you to move forward on your own. It was sudden when it happened, but now there is no turning back. As a result, you’re about to go through some changes this month and at the end of it you will be an evolution of what you once were, be it butterfly or moth.

Libra – Sept. 23 to Oct. 22

There’s a new venture on your horizon, but you have stepped off the gas. You want to take a moment to reconsider your direction, and I get it. What is the difference between reflection and doubt? Opportunity is ahead, delay is behind you, but don’t dilly-dally too long or delay will catch up.

Scorpio – Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

Trick-or-treat? Trick, I think. Tricked by your self deception. You’ve done such a good job, even the cards are at a loss. Are you being brave, or just insecure? Will you move on or hold on? No one knows. You’ve surrounded yourself with so much manure, that the only thing clear here is your need for a shower.

Sagittarius – Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

No “I” in team, but there is “team” in steamrolling. Sometimes you just have to get things done, and if you want them done right, you’ll do it yourself. Right? Or not. Lingering resentments are often the hardest to forgive. 

Capricorn – Dec. 22 to Jan. 19

You’re tired of having your strings pulled by others. Go ahead, cut those strings, stand on your own two feet; wooden as they may be. Don’t let them whittle you down, make you fret, or make you frown. Cut those strings and be free.

Aquarius – Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

Cozy autumn’s got you comfortable, but like the leaves, change is upon you. Is it good? Is it bad? Will it make you happy or sad? A new light is shining through, there’s not much that you can do. Seasons come and seasons go, but one thing is certain… you will grow.

Pisces – Feb. 19 to Mar. 20

You feel like the work you’ve done has reaped no rewards. But have you really been working all that hard? The cards seem to think you’ve been spending too much time gossiping in the coffee room. Desire and indulgence don’t pair well with ambition and diligence. Maybe step away from the beverages, and assess where you should be.

Madame LaCarte
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