By Daryl Johnson (CIVL DJ) – Email
Print Edition: February 20, 2013
This week’s shuffle has been provided by Disposable Existence host Daryl Johnson. He likes chai tea lattes, people who use the word literally correctly and three digit numbers that end in eight.
Relentless Ben – “SCCV”
This song is fast, heavy and unapologetic in regards to any sort of comprehensible lyrics. It makes one think of fearsome feelings, feelings most commonly associated with the moment one removes a Band-Aid from the scabbed weeping wound that too much exposure to god left on their eternal soul.
Relentless Ben – “Voltaire”
Like this song’s namesake’s famous philosophical novel Candide, shows that endless optimism is not a virtue found amongst the logical thinkers of this world. Still, like Candid’s loyal companion Cacambo, the disillusionments realized in life are rarely enough to break the decidedly lousy human trait of survival.
Relentless Ben – “A Joke”
Everything a power-violence song should be; the brutalities of life in musical form. The expressionistic, stylistic and technicality of this song, truly speak to the duality of man. Poignant and without pretense, this song knows that Custard shot first, but what it presupposes is, maybe he didn’t?
Relentless Ben – “Cities”
This song has a warm, summery, perfect mix of wuinoa and micro-brewed vegan beer kind of feel to it. Upon my first listen, I found myself reminiscing of my days spent gallivanting around the streets of Paris, with no possessions beyond a loaf of bread and many bottles of port wine.