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HomeNewsSpotlight on UFV India

Spotlight on UFV India

UFV’s international partnership with India

Since 2006, UFV has run a uniquely modelled Canadian institution in Chandigarh, India, where students can take part in Experiential Learning UnderGrad Programs before smoothly transitioning to finish their program in Canada. Dr. Satwinder Bains, associate professor in the School of Culture, Media, and Society, shared how the project came to life and her ongoing support for these transfer programs.

UFV India began with the Experiential Business Program (BBA), and has since expanded to include the Experiential Computing Program (BCIS) and the Experiential Liberal Arts Program (BA).

Bains mentioned how her dream was to get a curriculum started in South Asian studies that was on par with the essential skill set required for improving social work in subcultural communities. She noted that many factors played a part in the birth of this memorandum of understanding.

“It seemed like the stars were really aligning themselves to make this happen.”

During this time, Premier Gordon Campbell had been taking delegates to India to invite trade. Interested in developing a partnership, UFV’s then-president, Dr. Skip Bassford, joined the journey.

“[Bassford] wanted to create something. So, all this initiative came out of his office.”

Bains remarked on the instrumental role of business Professor D.J. Sandhu, who travelled to India alongside and helped build the bridge between institutions.

“He was from that region. He had a lot of social capital still in the region. He knew people. He could open doors. He could ask questions. He could drop in. So, it was easier for him. It wasn’t easy, but it was easier.”

Bains also commented on the quality and triumph of the students despite the small quantity of programs offered.

“It still only has about three programs and is a small, contained campus. But what they do, they do well. You don’t want to just grow for the sake of growing and just churn people out of university. You want them to have a solid experience where [their] success is uppermost in our minds. Every student has graduated from that program. Not one has dropped out.”

Around 175 students come to Canada from the Chandigarh campus each year. However, Bains said that less than 10 students have gone to study at the Chandigarh campus since its opening. Regretfully, Bains feels they have failed at effectively advertising this opportunity to students.

“We initially had wanted that stream to be a strong stream, but it hasn’t been. Very few students have gone to study in India and we haven’t been able to market that well enough.”

Regardless of the low number, Bains emphasized the value of studying abroad.

“The benefits are amazing. Especially in today’s transnational and global world, to have that kind of exposure where you have sat within another country with like-minded students.”

She described the experience as an “easy benefit” as students would attend a UFV campus, with the advantage of exploring a diverse society rich in culture, history, and civilization. The experience would also provide the perfect opportunity to form connections.

“You create lifelong friendships. You create relationships that you’ve never dreamt of, outside your comfort zone.”

However, with discrimination on the rise, the logistics and potential struggle to motivate students to participate in these programs were brought up. Bains shared her opinion on the matter.

“The utopian hope is that when you see people who are different from you, you embrace them and say, ‘Canada has so much to offer, welcome! This is a lovely country. I live here; you live here. We can all live collectively.’”

Bains observed that while that is the expectation, it differs from the students’ experience coming to Canada.

“International students say to me regularly, ‘How come domestic students don’t talk to us?’ Because there’s this inbuilt kind of group mentality, right? We all belong to something or some idea of who we are, our identity, and it’s hard to break out of it.”  

She encouraged students to look inward and be the change they want to see.

“We always think we need to learn about the other for our own change to happen. But until you’ve done your own changing, learning about the other means nothing.”

Regardless of these struggles, Bains is committed to supporting students, the program, and her job as an educator, prompting people to appreciate each other’s similarities rather than their differences.

“You keep doing the work. You always hope that any little bit of difference you can make will make a difference. So, we never give up. And it’s not over.”

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