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HomeArts in ReviewAnimal Crossing: New Horizons is the franchise at its greatest

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the franchise at its greatest

This article was published on April 1, 2020 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

With the current circumstances in the world right now, it seems almost perfect for Nintendo to release a new installment in the ***Animal Crossing series. For many people stuck in self-isolation wondering what to do, New Horizons is the perfect blend of fun gameplay, a beautiful art style, and an overall great, slow-paced experience. 

For many gamers out there, New Horizons may seem slow to start. For instance, it takes multiple real days outside the game before you unlock abilities that will let you explore the entire island. Although this is the case at the beginning, the game opens up soon after and allows players to do all sorts of activities. From fishing to renovating your home, from catching bugs to building a deserted island into a full town — anyone that goes into New Horizons with the expectations that it is meant to be played slow and for short spans over several days, rather than a long one-day binge, should be able to enjoy their time. That does not mean the game cannot be binged though, just that players probably will not see the progression in one sitting like most modern video games.

On top of having fun gameplay, New Horizons is also a visually beautiful game. Though the art is simple and very similar to past games in the franchise, the colours seem to pop off the screen. This is in part due to it being the first game in the Animal Crossing series on a high-definition console. While the people in the town have the same art direction as other games in the franchise, the characters have never looked as sharp and crisp.

One new feature that I found myself using more than I thought I would is the online and couch multiplayer. Although there was plenty for me to do on my island, hopping on a plane and visiting a friend was a refreshing experience. Not only was it fun to see how others have built their islands, but it rewards players for visiting. Certain items will be worth more to sell at a store on a friend’s island, and players can profit more by trading and growing each other’s native fruit.

Although my girlfriend does not typically enjoy the games I play, the couch multiplayer aspect of the game inspired her to give it a try. Although some parts of the game are locked off to the second player, like talking to non-playable characters, this can easily be worked around seeing as how fast it is to switch the party leader. By player one simply clicking the minus button and then choosing the change leader option, anyone else will be able to gain control of the group.

While there are many games out there fighting for every gamer’s attention, New Horizons definitely deserves a playthrough. Despite the fact that the game is simple enough for children to play and understand, it never truly holds your hand. Instead, players are introduced to things over several days so that they do not become overwhelmed with the more intricate components of the game.

For players looking to waste several hours while they are self-isolated, the game is easy to start and does not expect people to play for long periods just to be on par with everyone else. The gameplay is fun, the visuals are the most beautiful in the franchise, and playing with someone else can often be more entertaining than playing alone. For anyone stuck at home with a Nintendo Switch, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a must-play.


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