In the past, fanny packs were looked down upon as being homey and unstylish. However, thanks to popular retail stores and celebrities, the fanny pack has made a comeback in popular fashion. Rebranded as the Everywhere Belt Bag at Lululemon, or a Hip Pack at Herschel, these compact bags have become well made and versatile. The surprising renditions are sleek in comparison to the original fanny packs, which were mocked for being unattractive. Now considered a great bag for people on-the-go, the fanny pack is gaining notoriety as the “it bag” for women.
Known as a “bumbag” in England, the fanny pack was created in 1962 by Melba Stone, an Australian woman inspired by kangaroo pouches, and reached peak popularity in the ?80s before it eventually fizzled out in the early ?90s. According to Vogue, celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Rhianna helped revitalize the bag in 2017 by wearing them publicly as a risky fashion statement.

Additionally, belt bags have been revamped as streamlined and sporty. The polished look of the 2018 Everywhere Bag by Lululemon sets the standard of what a good belt bag is, and wearers showcase how they style their bags on social media, like TikTok. The price point is an affordable $38-52, and comes in both a regular and mini size.
Belt bags and fanny packs, or whatever you want to call them, are versatile. Pair yours with an oversized boyfriend blazer, an athletic track suit, or maybe the classic jeans and a white T-shirt. Wear it stylishly on the shoulder or in the front. This, dare I say, trendy bag has lots of space to put keys, wallets, and other necessities, making it much easier to get around in style.
Rachel is working towards a BA with a concentration in English and Theatre. She has been employed at The Cascade since Fall 2021 as a Staff Writer and a Jr. News Editor. Currently, she is the sectional News Editor and enjoys meeting and interviewing people as well as taking long walks in nature. Rachel also likes to stay up to date on the latest trends and informs students through her fashion column entitled Campus Fashion.