Monday, March 31, 2025


This article was published on April 4, 2018 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

The other day I was hugged by a cat. I was literally pulled into a tight, loving, furry, and slightly scratchy embrace. Cats are generally known for their aloof and disinterested nature when it comes to their human companions, so this already counted as a fairly strange occurrence. But to someone who has spent all her life enjoying a mutual agreement with these creatures that went something along the lines of, “I’ll steer clear of you, and you won’t care if I fall off the earth,” it was quite alarming. In fact, I have recently started noticing more and more cats who are showering me with love and affection.

I smell something evil afoot.

To give you a bit more context into the situation, I am very allergic to cats. I repeat. VERY ALLERGIC TO CATS! So you must understand when I tell you that I have come to believe all cats, as a species, have made a collective decision, and are now out to get me. For what, I have no idea, as it is rather dangerous to try to predict the feline mind. But pretty soon I swear I am going to have to approach the furry demons, waving a white flag over my head in surrender.
Image: Amara Gelaude/The Cascade

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