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HomeArts in ReviewCIVL Shuffle - January 6, 2019

CIVL Shuffle – January 6, 2019

This article was published on February 6, 2019 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

CIVL Station Manager Aaron Levy thought it was time for Hawaiian shirts and summer barbecues, but boooooy was he ever wrong.


Modest Mouse – Grey Ice Water

A soft, jaunty little number off of the B-sides and rarities compilation from 1999, Building Nothing Out of Something, this one is less creepy than the Eraserhead nod “Workin’ on Leavin’ the Livin'”, but less bouncy than the sensual “All Night Diner” that follows said Lynch reference. Great backing vox.


Pearl Bailey and Hot Lips Page – Baby It’s Cold Outside

Time for me to weigh in on this timeless debate! I do think you have to consider what the impression of each of the vocalists is, as well as the author, however I’m not going to do that research, so I’ll just say that privilege exists whether or not it’s recognized.


Guns N Roses – November Rain

I know I’ve shuffled this epic music video before, but I just can’t escape the feel of the earworm that Axl burrows deep within my mind like Khan with his wrath, reminding me that sometimes you just feel like crying all alone in the cold November Rain. Oh, so cold.


Matthew Good Band – Flight Recorded From Viking 7

Space is colder than the air in the mountains where I come from. For years I’ve drifted further and further into the unknown. Space is older than the air moving in and out of your lungs. For years I’ve drifted the math of a divinity that goes on and on.

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