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HomeArts in ReviewCIVL Shuffle — October 3, 2018

CIVL Shuffle — October 3, 2018

This article was published on October 3, 2018 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

CIVL Station Manager Aaron Levy’s been havin’ a grand ol’ party time getting funny with Abbotsfordian Alexx Smith since the band he’s recently joined, Deadsoft, signed to Arts & Crafts Productions, the record label responsible for the songs I’ll espouse upon here and this is all predicated by the fact that Frigs, whose LP this year, Basic Behaviour, was put out by said label, played in Abbotsford at the Carport early this week! Huzzah!


The Happiness Project – “Vittoria”

This post honeymoon AC release takes conversations with everyday people about what makes them happy, and mimics the rhythm and phrasing of their speech to make lush, polyrhythmic, expressive instrumental pieces that explore each of our tightly-held comfort zones in a beautiful, lively, and musical so-called hug of thunder.


Constantines – “Hard Feelings”

If a second release to that just mentioned could be in any more opposition from the same label, I am personally unaware, though I certainly don’t have Hard Feelings for those who’d like to make the argument. The synthetic keys; the muted guitar screeches; the anthemic, plaintive wail of Webb.


Feist – “The Bad in Each Other”

This one was released on Universal with the 2011 record Metal, but let’s be honest, beyond Lesley herself, or the Scene she Broke out from, Socially, the trail through the legacy of “1234,” “My Moon My Man,” and “Mushaboom” goes squarely through the AC family, and also By Divine Right.


Broken Social Scene – “It’s All Gonna Break”

The song that spans three songs worth of songs, and closes the self-titled, third full-length release of the band that bore on its shoulders the weight of the entirety, or just the start, of the Torontopia legend that may be unshared beyond our Lake Ontario anchored Lakeshore freeways.

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