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Freedom Fight: Boredom Busting

This article was published on June 25, 2012 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

By Sherylynn NiezenEmail

“What’s new with me? Pfff I don’t know, just going to school, studying…”


How many people have heard this response before to “what’s new with you?” and worse yet, who has given this response? Good, you can all put yours hands down now; I too have been guilty at times. I received one of these responses from an old friend I graduated from high school with the other day. I haven’t seen him in quite a few years and the only response that I got as to what he had been up to all those years was that he was “just” working and had been growing a beard. No offense to him, or others that have given similar responses (probably minus the beard comment), but when did life become boring and typical? When did it become getting through life as opposed to living life? You may need to get through difficult situations in your life but you should never want to get through life. Life is an adventure, never lose sight of that.

Now you might be getting all offended (even though I said not to…) and thinking “How dare you, I am greatly offended, people have to work or they’ll end up on the streets. And I work hard to make rent AND still go to school.” Good, I think that’s great, in fact I’m proud of you. I’ve been in your shoes. But if you signed yourself up for university why do you then talk about your life as if it’s the most boring thing ever, slowly stealing your life away? Aren’t you excited that you’re working toward a dream even if a certain class or assignment is indeed a bit boring or unchallenging? And that’s just my point for this week: at the end of the day if you think your life is boring, it will be boring, and people will know it’s boring.

FIRE YOURSELF UP PEOPLE! Do you not have dreams? Do you not have goals? Do you not want to live like you’re alive and capable of anything? What adventure, degree, career, or hobby will you do first? “I study and am in classes all day, then work a late shift, I don’t have time to be exciting and have dreams.” Great… excuse. Stop being boring. And stop displaying yourself as boring. You know why? Because you’re not. You are totally unique and have a completely awesome set of interests, talents, and dreams, be excited about that and let that show!

Again I say never lose sight of what you are going to school for, you once had a dream you wanted to accomplish by going to University and you are working towards that dream at this very moment and that’s incredible! Walk proudly and with some pep in your step because you know that every day you get closer to your dream that brought you to University in the first place.  Don’t think you need to limit yourself to one dream either. Heck no. For the student on a budget, dreaming dreams is free and has no limits. Talk about your future with the excitement of the things you are working towards and the dreams you will accomplish! Plus, make up little things to do each day that excite you. I know you have two spare minutes each day to make a paper airplane, star gaze, or practice juggling, etc. Don’t be boring, because life is never boring. Tough sometimes, yes, but that’s a challenge to conquer, that’s an exciting adventure.

If you run into an old high school friend don’t tell them how boring your life is as you go to school or work all the time, you might start believing that as well. You are not boring so I encourage you not to live your life as if you are boring, you are doing fantastic things as you work towards your dreams and have unlimited adventures waiting at your doorstep.

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