By Taylor Breckles (Contributor) – Email
Print Edition: November 6, 2013

In the words of Shel Silverstein, “skeletons, spirits, and haunts” invaded AfterMath this past Thursday for the celebration of Halloween.
When nightfall hit, hordes of students made their way to AfterMath for food, music, and liquor. The campus restaurant and bar was packed with patrons barely able to walk through the establishment. For once, there was more room in the kitchen than there was on the floor. Every seat was snagged, including the bar stools, which forced some people to stand. The space was made to seem even smaller by certain costumes – the types that are completely original, yet not exactly functional. Yet, even with limited space, the flow of students continued.
Most attendees showed up in costume, which completed the Halloween atmosphere of the establishment. The various disguises included a snail, several vampires, animals, the living dead, and some that looked like everything and nothing at the same time. Even SUS president Shane Potter wore a costume consisting of a trench coat, Gothic boots, and heavy guy-liner. Although a name cannot be placed on the look, one could definitely spot Potter among the fray in AfterMath.
The medley of sounds could only be identified as organized chaos. A DJ blasted music through the space while people tried to converse; everything could be heard yet nothing understood.
Amid the anarchy, waiters and waitresses tried to both listen to the requests of their customers and move through the crowd. Despite the difficulty, staff managed impressively well, to the satisfaction of customers.
Even with a limited menu, the food and alcohol selection was varied and special orders were handled to the best of the kitchen’s ability. Staff tried to satisfy every character.
The music, food, liquor, and camera flashes established a club-like atmosphere, forming a worthy Halloween party. Certain individuals might have missed out on the chance to go somewhere to celebrate because of late classes, but AfterMath proved to be a good location for a party.
Even though the lounge was cramped and loud, it certainly offered the traditional party experience. For returning students, this may be the norm, but for first-years, AfterMath hosted a movie-worthy party to introduce the university experience.