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HomeCultureHoroscopes: Your weekly life predictions made by Cleopatra Moonshine

Horoscopes: Your weekly life predictions made by Cleopatra Moonshine

This article was published on October 1, 2020 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

Aries – Mar 21 to Apr 19

If you find yourself constantly reminiscing over the lake days, camping trips, and socially distanced BBQs from this past summer and unable to focus on any schoolwork, remind yourself to live in the moment instead of looking back.

Taurus – Apr 20 to May 20

A social commitment you were absolutely not looking forward to this week will be cancelled due to COVID restrictions. So let out a deep sigh of relief and draw that bubble bath!

Gemini – May 21 to Jun 20

Geminis have the innate ability to get along with literally everyone except those constant voices inside their heads. Try getting to know these voices and seeing them as friends instead of noises you constantly need to block out.

Cancer – Jun 21 to Jul 22

Showing affection may not come naturally when you are stressed, but this week your pesky partner will need more TLC than ever, so remember to open up rather than retreat into yourself.

Leo – Jul 23 to Aug 22

You crave attention more than anything in the world — constantly posting thirst trap photos on Instagram, sending cryptic messages to potential hookups on dating apps, and making racy comments just to get a rise out of people. I salute you; keep living your best life!

Virgo – Aug 23 to Sept 22

You’ve always been able to speak your mind with complete bluntness and honesty, and often this is called for, but be aware of the times that it is not. Harness some discretion to know when you need to sugar-coat some things sometimes.

Libra – Sep 23 to Oct 22

You may be afraid to tell people exactly what you want, but you know how to wrap people around your finger to be able to get it. Use this power to your advantage this week and magic will happen.

Scorpio – Oct 23 to Nov 21

You tend to turn away people’s help when you need it the most. Remember that you deserve to be looked after too sometimes, so give yourself a break and let someone give you a hand.

Sagittarius – Nov 22 to Dec 21

You are the queen of reinventing yourself and feel as if dramatic changes to your outward appearance will magically change your inward personality as well. It doesn’t work like that. If you want to reinvent yourself, work from the inside out.

Capricorn – Dec 22 to Jan 19

You will need to protect your friend this week from something or someone that is not good for them. Don’t see it as meddling, but see it as an act of service toward someone who is clueless and in need of assistance.

Aquarius – Jan 20 to Feb 18

Your constant state of indecision will work to your detriment this week in almost every area of your life. Tune into yourself and your inner voice to be able to determine what exactly it is that you want.

Pisces – Feb 19 to Mar 20

You are known for being too trusting with people, which leads to disappointment again and again. Try to ease up next time you feel the urge to open up to someone you barely know about something deep.

Illustration: Elyssa English/ The Cascade

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