Sunday, March 9, 2025


Your weekly life predictions made by J. Talvio.

Aries – Mar. 21 to Apr. 19

Remember that not every scenario needs a hero. Consider easing up your “leadership skills” so as to not come across as being domineering and full of yourself.

Taurus – Apr. 20 to May 20

Stubborn as always, eh? Just make sure you make room for your friends to make their case on issues you disagree with. 

Gemini – May 21 to Jun. 20

Expect to make your friends laugh with your quick-wittedness. This week, they’ll appreciate your sense of humour more than ever before. Next week, no promises.

Cancer – Jun. 21 to Jul. 22

Try your hardest to not “fall in love” with yet another person this week. It’ll be worth it in the end. Instead, know your worth, and hold back on intimacy for a while. 

Leo – Jul. 23 to Aug. 22

Check in with your quiet friends this week — chances are, they’ll need your boisterous personality to help them fix a problem or two. Before jumping in, play-act approaching your friends humbly and not like your main objective is to boost your own ego.

Virgo – Aug. 23 to Sept. 22

Although it may not seem to be the case right now, trust that your hardworking nature will pay off in the end. Don’t get too cocky about that, though.

Libra – Sep. 23 to Oct. 22

Your zest for life can help raise others’ spirits this week. It may also cause some conflict, however, if you tell your friends about how great your life is going when they’re down in the dumps. Never do that again.

Scorpio – Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

Consider being selective about who you’re going to try to seduce: for instance, your sibling’s best friend is probably off limits. Go for someone who has a higher chance of reciprocating your feelings towards them.

Sagittarius – Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

To avoid ending up on another blacklist, know when it’s best to tell the truth and when it’s best to tell a white lie. Hint: bluntness is almost never the answer. Keep this in mind and you’ll be Gucci.

Capricorn – Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 

Your ability to notice the small things in life is a great gift for you to embrace. However, this skill can become detrimental if you use it in the wrong contexts, such as to tell your aunt you notice she has more “tinsel” in her hair than usual.

Aquarius – Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

Make sure to speak your mind at your next work meeting — lean in to your creative side a bit more. If your boss hates your ideas, ***C’est la vie

Pisces – Feb. 19 to Mar. 20

Eat a tub of ice cream if it makes you feel better. You’ve earned it, considering it takes you 10 business days to recover from a minor argument. 

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Jade is an English Honours: Creative Writing student. She plans on pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing after graduating from her undergraduate degree. When she’s not in class or studying, she can be found doing karaoke at a local restaurant in hopes of getting noticed and signed to a record deal.


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