Sunday, March 9, 2025


Aries – Mar. 21 to Apr. 19

You’re on a path. You have a goal set and nothing will stop you. You feel the momentum and push of your passion. But … you know … chill. Slow down, you’ll get there, but not right this second. Don’t let your passion for tomorrow make you miss out on today.

Taurus – Apr. 20 to May 20

You’re having problems in a partnership. Maybe a group project, maybe a friend, maybe more. Sometimes we expect people to be different from who they are. Even expecting someone to be decent is an expectation, and expectations are the root of resentment, which grows by the watering of anger. Sometimes accepting that someone is who they are without judgement can allow you to unburden yourself and accomplish things on your own.

Gemini – May 21 to Jun. 20

Oh you sly fox, you. You’ve talked your way into it and you’ll talk your way out of it. After all, you are the smartest person in the room. Ambition, desire, nothing wrong with these, but think hard about what you really want. How are you going to look back on your actions today? Will you look back with pride? Or with shame?

Cancer – Jun. 21 to Jul. 22

Let’s trigger a breakthrough, shall we? Your insecurities are driving so many of your decisions. Everything lately has been reflexive responses and reactions reflecting your reverence and revulsions with realities that don’t ratify the stories you recite to yourself. Your efforts to keep to your narrative and not face the world as it is are as awkward and obvious as my trying to start all the words in the previous sentence with “R”.

Leo – Jul. 23 to Aug. 22

You feel unsupported from those closest to you. Your home life seems chaotic. But what is the source of that chaos? Focusing on everyone else’s flaws is making you blind to your shortcomings. Instead of looking at the cracks in the foundation, look at the ones in the mirror. You might spot something green.

Virgo – Aug. 23 to Sept. 22

You’re finding yourself happy for the first time in a long time. You’ve recently experienced a loss, too. This has you conflicted internally. How can you allow yourself to be happy after such a loss? Truth is, the two can coexist. Being happy today doesn’t make the pain of yesterday any less important. Humans are complicated and complex, and it’s okay to be happy, just the same as it is okay to be sad. It is all part of the human experience.

Libra – Sept. 23 to Oct. 22

Then, out of the box came option two and option one. And they run to you fast. You think “what should I do?” No good choice, alas, with option one and option two. And you, oh you, know not what to do. For you must choose option one or option two. Both are bad, neither are fun. That’s the problem with option two and one.

Scorpio – Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

You’ve put a lot of responsibility in your life, and you make quick decisions at times. But there is a difference between decisiveness and panic. Keeping focus will help. Have you tried making a vision board?

Sagittarius – Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

When was the last time you sat with yourself and had an honest talk? You might be getting in your own way. It’s good to be diplomatic, and attempt to avoid conflict, but sometimes by trying to respect the different steps others take, you can forget yourself and where you lie. Welcome mats get sullied and soiled, and acting like one has you worn to a point where you are now desensitized and bored with life. Stand proud, set boundaries, and that passion you’re missing will reignite.

Capricorn – Dec. 22 to Jan. 19

Your cynicism and “intellect” have you feeling dissatisfied with life. But it’s your lack of compassion that’s the problem. Your inconsideration will make you easily manipulated and taken advantage of. Empathy is not a weakness, it’s just not an attractive trait to your “intellectual” mind. Oh, how lonely and cold it is to be so “smart.” If only others could see what you see, then everyone could be as miserable as you. How wonderful would that be?

Aquarius – Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

You feel like giving up. You’re overwhelmed and stressed. As you despair, you might want to reach out for help, but is it wise? Sometimes admitting defeat leaves room for an unexpected success.

Pisces – Feb. 19 to Mar. 20

You feel lost, and there are no maps to guide you. The path you seek is laid within yourself. Nurture your inner child. A child needs food, water, sleep, and of course, play. Have you eaten? Drank? Napped? Have you had fun today? You know what to do.

Madame LaCarte
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