Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Aries – Mar. 21 to Apr. 19

Ever heard of the expression “going nowhere fast”? Sometimes we have to move away from things that harm us, but if you don’t look where you’re going, you’ll hit another wall. Maybe take a minute to figure out your path, or invest in a map

Taurus – Apr. 20 to May 20

Anxiety is rooted in the future, and depression is rooted in the past; while you’re stuck in this psychological time travel, you’ll never enjoy the present that is this moment. Not all gifts have strings attached, and not all strings pull on puppet limbs. 

Gemini – May 21 to Jun. 20

It’s easier to solve a maze going backward, and often the same is true when trying to figure out how you got there. But don’t lose sight of the future; you’ll need some agility for what’s to come. Focusing on what has been will have you tripping instead of leaping ahead.

Cancer – Jun. 21 to Jul. 22

You have dealt with so many obstacles lately, and now things seem to be calming down. Life thrives in change, and this won’t last, but taking the time now to rest will help for what’s to come. 

Leo – Jul. 23 to Aug. 22

You, my friend, have what we call “champagne taste,” which unfortunately doesn’t match your “beer money.” Constantly fighting and arguing in your head between the need to save the money you don’t have, or buy the things you don’t need, has drained you. I can’t help you, so instead, I wish you the craftiest of gift givings, and the receiving of many gift cards. 

Virgo – Aug. 23 to Sept. 22

You fought a good fight and now it’s time to move on. Although this might seem like peaceful and natural growth, there are some unpleasant surprises ahead. Merry Christmas!

Libra – Sept. 23 to Oct. 22

It’s Ho, Ho, Ho, not Hoe, Hoe, Hoe. spend a little less time under the mistletoe, and give confidence a go.

Scorpio – Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

Recent changes have you swirling in a snowstorm of uncertainty, and nothing you step on feels like solid ground. Sometimes, the best thing to do when stuck on thin ice is to lie down and scream for help. Hopefully someone hears you.

Sagittarius – Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

Your meticulous planning has you working hard and reaping little. Take time to listen to your heart, and tell the brain to shove off. And add more rum to your eggnog.

Capricorn – Dec. 22 to Jan. 19

You thought you had moved on, dealt with it, and found closure. Just because the wound has healed, doesn’t mean the scar won’t hurt from time to time. Don’t let the phantom pains of your past hold back your motivation for the future.

Aquarius – Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

“Did you hear?” I heard a rumour: you focus too much on what people say. Stop with the tea, and get yourself a cozy cup of cocoa instead. It’ll be less disappointing.

Pisces – Feb. 19 to Mar. 20

Bad advice has led you to be taken advantage of. So much change is ahead. Good luck.

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