CultureHoroscopes — June 15, 2022

Horoscopes — June 15, 2022

Your weekly life predictions made by Ageless Azalea

Reading time: 2 mins

Aries – Mar 21 to Apr 19
Be generous and see the world unfold before you. It’s a slow process, but try and compliment someone’s outfit today — once you see the spark in their eyes light up, you will understand the true mechanics of kindness.

Taurus – Apr 20 to May 20
Find comfort in your own solitude, but do not mistake this for isolation. Try to be kind to your body during these difficult times. Moderate your stress and do not allow yourself to adopt unhealthy habits once alone.

Gemini – May 21 to Jun 20
Remember the dreams that you once had as a child? You know, the one about being an astronaut, or becoming a reclusive gardener who reappears once every few years to sell their zinnias for a quarter each? Embrace that. Pursue your ambitions and pay close mind to what your heart tells you, despite how pragmatic certain thoughts can be.

Cancer – Jun 21 to Jul 22
You have trouble reciprocating your feelings; that’s understandable. Ignoring everyone around you… well, not so much. It’s important to be communicative even when your tongue turns to stone at the thought of it. Nothing has to be monumental or over the top. Remember that the little things can matter too.

Leo – Jul 23 to Aug 22
You have too much to say but not enough words to express them. The Oxford English Dictionary could not comprehend the string of sentences that overcome your mind, and neither can you. While your brain works fast, take your time, re-think things over before you speak or press that send button, and prevent your mouth from gaining independence.

Virgo – Aug 23 to Sept 22
This upcoming week is going to be especially kind to you. Try to reciprocate that kindness with generous acts of love to your friends and family.

Libra – Sep 23 to Oct 22
You have been carrying the burden of others for too long. Yes, you can set it down.

Scorpio – Oct 23 to Nov 21
Your mind exists outside a set of rules the world has established in spite of you, or so you think. Your thoughts might be innovative, spectacular, and out of this world — but keep your ear to the ground and learn to humble yourself before upsetting the wrong person.

Sagittarius – Nov 22 to Dec 21
Constantly in flux against the inner workings of the universe, you find yourself without another force to oppose and stabilize your change. Who is your motor force? You ask yourself this question again, and again, and…

Capricorn – Dec 22 to Jan 19
Whenever someone asks what your future career aspirations are, your mind turns up blank and your mouth hangs wide open. Maybe do something about that.

Aquarius – Jan 20 to Feb 18
Like Ptolemy once said, the universe rotated around the Earth. And you, Aquarius, shine bright like many summer dawns — but also remember that Ptolemy was arrogantly wrong until a few thousand years later.

Pisces – Feb 19 to Mar 20
A sensitive soul will know when someone feels out of the loop. Connect with someone you vaguely know and strike up a conversation on animal rescue videos.

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