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HomeCultureHoroscopes: Your weekly life predictions made by Cleopatra Moonshine

Horoscopes: Your weekly life predictions made by Cleopatra Moonshine

This article was published on March 10, 2021 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

Aries – Mar 21 to Apr 19

You may experience a change of address happening in the not-so-distant future. Perhaps you  have finally found that dream rental suite in a condo with a balcony serving stunning views of Mt. Baker, and you can finally move out of your damp, dingy basement that always smells like whatever your upstairs neighbours are cooking.

Taurus – Apr 20 to May 20

You will hear some extremely intriguing gossip this week that will be extraordinarily hard to keep to yourself, but you must. The spread of this rumor is sure to damage this person’s reputation.

Gemini – May 21 to Jun 20

Things are starting to get hot and heavy with the cutie you met online last year but have yet to meet in person. Don’t be afraid to send a few saucy pics; just don’t include your face in any of them to be cautious. 

Cancer – Jun 21 to Jul 22

You will receive an unexpected call in the middle of the night from a close friend this week. It will not be a pleasant call; in fact, it will be quite heartbreaking, but they need someone to listen with an open heart. Your friend is lucky to have someone like you they can call to receive support.

Leo – Jul 23 to Aug 22

You have been feeling incredibly stagnant over the past few weeks. Bring back a practice you would always do in your childhood to bring rejuvenated energy into your life: rearrange the furniture in your room. New room, new you.

Virgo – Aug 23 to Sept 22

Remember that you don’t need to dim other’s lights in order to shine. Practise a little more kindness to others this week, and try to lift others up with words of encouragement and acts of service.

Libra – Sep 23 to Oct 22

You’re going to hit someone with a piece of brutal honesty this week. Yes, this honesty is necessary, but try your best to sweeten it up a bit so the recipient doesn’t spiral out of control.

Scorpio – Oct 23 to Nov 21

You have been ignoring too many of your responsibilities lately for the sake of self-care. Redefine self-care this week to look like meeting deadlines or actually attending a lecture to ask the prof questions about the final assignment.

Sagittarius – Nov 22 to Dec 21

You have been lacking some much-needed socialization for the past, well, year. This will all change, as you will be thrust into a brand-new social environment where you will truly shine and find like-minded peers.

Capricorn – Dec 22 to Jan 19

Be compassionate with yourself as you try to do all the things, because you simply do not have enough waking hours to do all that you feel you must do. Learn to prioritize your time this week before you completely burn yourself out.

Aquarius – Jan 20 to Feb 18

Be careful not to lead on whomever you have been texting lately if you are not ready for a relationship. The occasional flirty texts are one thing; consistent “good night” and “good morning” texts are a whole different story. Maybe it’s time to figure out what’s actually going on to prevent someone from getting hurt.

Pisces – Feb 19 to Mar 20

A certain person might hit you with a piece of honest feedback this week that you might not find appealing although they have the very best of intentions. Don’t let their honesty ruin your day, but really consider what they had to say.

Horoscopes Graphic. (Elyssa English / The Cascade)
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