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HomeSportsHealth & FitnessHow to build that “Anaconda” booty, one squat at a time

How to build that “Anaconda” booty, one squat at a time

This article was published on October 9, 2014 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

By Sandeep Dosanjh (Contributor) – Email

Print Edition: October 8, 2014

Getting a Nicki Minaj booty is not as unattainable as you may think.  (Image: Tumblr)
Getting a Nicki Minaj booty is not as unattainable as you may think. (Image: Tumblr)

Bum, booty, butt, rear, posterior, derrière, buttocks, gluteus maximus, rump. How many more ways can you think of to say that one sexy thing? Isn’t it funny how we all seem to notice the presence of a juicy, round bum? Well, so does the mainstream media — and according to them, bigger is undoubtedly better. We’ve all seen Nicki Minaj’s new video “Anaconda,” featuring ruthless women like Minaj herself showing off their callipygian curves.

Nicki Minaj wasn’t just born with that bodacious figure — she continually works at it. And that’s something you can achieve too, with some determination. Maintaining that fragile ecosystem of fat-to-muscle ratio doesn’t have to take long; it can start with as little as five minutes a day to get your glute muscles primed and popping.

Here are some simple, yet intense workouts that can sculpt you a firmer and rounder booty.

Ball Basher

I call this one the ball basher, because that’s exactly what it looks like, except that you are parallel to the floor. Begin on your hands and knees in table- top position, and drive one heel straight up towards the ceiling, while keeping a 90-degree angle at the knee and flexing the foot. Continue to slowly swing the knee back and up, like you’re kneeing someone in the privates. After 45 seconds, do the other side.

Next, stay in the same position, but have your leg straight out and lift it just up and down to strengthen the hamstrings. Caution: don’t go too high on the uprise, or your lower back could be strained.

The wrong way to squat

Of course there’s always the classic deep bum squats. But there’s the wrong way to do squats and the best way to do squats. Start with standing up straight, with feet hip-width apart. When you go down for the plunge, make sure your hands migrate to the front of your body in order to keep balanced. Remember to lean your back slightly forward and keep it straight at the same time. Deliberately keep your gaze straight as well, so your neck’s not clamped down or cranked up. Continue this move for 45 seconds, or more if you’d like.

A technique that will burn your thighs faster than candlewax involves staying in the lowered squat position for 40 seconds straight. Try doing this after your set of deep bum squats. For a more difficult maneuver, try slightly going up and down, in a kind of pulsating action, while maintaining the lowered squat position. Those buns’ll be begging for a break. 

Tired of squats? Jump!

Finally, we have the jumping squats. These are designed to build strength in the gluteofemoral  (butt and thighs) region as well as to get the heart pumping faster. They are exactly what they sound like. Slowly lower yourself down into the squat position, making sure your knees don’t go past your toes, and jump straight up in such a way that you land softly to the ground. It’s also fun to throw your hands in the air while you jump.

Do these exercises and soon enough, you’ll be joining Nicki Minaj working out in a G-string, baring all.

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