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HomeNewsJanuary Senate recap

January Senate recap

The first Senate meeting of 2024 sees a familiar face return to the UFV halls

Senate is the academic governing body of UFV, with the university president and vice-chancellor Dr. Joanne MacLean as chair. They are responsible for making decisions on everything academic, including: approving new courses and programs, approving changes to programs, and setting entrance requirements and the academic calendar. The Board of Governors, which looks at the business side of the university, is advised by Senate on matters of mutual interest.

All at the university are welcome to attend Senate’s public meetings, held once a month. Senate makes decisions that impact the daily lives of both students and faculty. This article will recap the main agenda items of the hybrid Senate meeting on Friday, Jan. 19, 2024.

Dr. Joanne MacLean, university president and chair, has returned to UFV after a year of medical leave. During the senate meeting, MacLean expressed how grateful she was to be back at UFV and thanked the board for all their hard work, especially Dr. James Mandigo, provost and vice president academic, for filling in for her during her absence. 

Mandigo made a motion for the Senate to approve the request made by the Physics department to turn the Engineering Transfer Program into the Engineering Common Core Certificate. A memo sent by Dr. Claire Carolan, associate director, Program Development and Quality Assurance (PDQA), stated that there were no changes made to the admission requirements or the program curriculum. One of the main reasons for this change is so that students can use it as a credential. The Senate voted in favor of the motion. 

An illustration of a hand holding a folder with a paper on top of it showcasing data. The hand holds it beside a trophy cup.
business-award (Accessed January 2024) Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan

University registrar David Johnston successfully motioned to approve the proposed changes to the entrance and program requirements for the Business Administration (Aviation) diploma program. According to a memo from Samantha Hannah, undergraduate education committee chair, the proposal would enable students to have more “flexibility in course selection.” The changes will be implemented September 2024.

Another successful motion was made by Johnston for the Senate to approve the changes made to the Bachelor of Regional and Community Planning requirements. According to a memo from Hannah, this will enable direct entry into the program, no longer requiring students to wait until their third year for admission. 

In Mandigo’s final report as acting president, he officially welcomed the return of MacLean while thanking his peers for their support, especially Dr. Tracy Ryder-Glass, for taking over his role as provost and vice president academic. “One of the great things about being Acting President,” wrote Mandigo, “were the opportunities I had to share the UFV story with the external community and to hear the impact that UFV has made in the lives of those in our community.”

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Rachel is working towards a BA with a concentration in English and Theatre. She has been employed at The Cascade since Fall 2021 as a Staff Writer and a Jr. News Editor. Currently, she is the sectional News Editor and enjoys meeting and interviewing people as well as taking long walks in nature. Rachel also likes to stay up to date on the latest trends and informs students through her fashion column entitled Campus Fashion.

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