By Katie Stobbart (The Cascade) and illustrated by Anthony Biondi (The Cascade) – Email
Print Edition: January 7, 2015
Hitting the books again in the winter can be depressing. Outside the classroom window, the world is often cloudy, dark, and wet. Like bone-chill, uncertainty makes its home beneath the skin and settles in behind the eyes as we consider The Future.
Winter holidays are a great way to stave off our worries and celebrate plenty in a season when little grows. But after splurging on luxuries students often forgo (frequent family dinners, gift budgets, and free afternoons) the first few days hunkering down for another semester studying usually kindle a strong desire to stay under the covers — didn’t we just finish the fall semester?
However, dwelling on the doom and gloom doesn’t resolve dejected spirits or uncertainty. With that in mind, this week we’re featuring happiness, and the ways we avoid letting the darker months weigh us down.