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HomeOpinionLetter to the Editor: “A disgrace”

Letter to the Editor: “A disgrace”

This article was published on November 12, 2012 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

Dear UFV and The Cascade Paper,

As a parent visiting the Abbotsford Rec Centre tonight to watch our son play hockey, I picked up one of the free UFV Cascade papers that were laid out all over the concession area and was completely appalled by what I saw on Page 11 of you Wed. Oct. 24th-30th issue (Vol. 20, Issue 27).  What a disgrace for the Editor in chief to have approved this and then distribute this where children could read this.  Is this the type of students you’re grooming for our future? Is that really the only picture that supported your article?  You lost credibility and I threw this paper in the trash without even reading your article, it couldn’t have been worth reading if you thought this picture of a guy holding a sign saying “FUCK YOUR STUPID PIPELINE” was the message you were trying to portray. Hardly educational. (Not a nice thing to even read in an email is it?)

I recommend that the staff at ARC also find all of these copies and recycle them as well.  I wonder what the Abbotsford Times would think of this type of publishing?

I hope you will ensure that this publication is removed from areas such as recreation centres where young children attend.



The photo in question

Editor’s note:

Thanks for your email, Sara. I appreciate your concern for your children.

The Cascade is an autonomous student alternative weekly and as such, we have the opportunity to publish content some mainstream news media would not be able to. Our staff felt it was important to include the photo in question because it demonstrated the passion felt by rally attendants in a way that could not be shown through a description. It was our feeling that few other outlets would be in a position to show this. We do not take such decisions lightly.

I would like to point out that other alternative publications, including The Georgia Straight, run content that might not appear in The Abbotsford Times, but are still available in public places. There is a different expectation for an alternative press than for a mainstream newspaper.

As far as the ARC is concerned, there are a number of people who pick up their copy of The Cascade at the food service area.

We truly are sorry that you found this content offensive. It is not our intent to offend, but rather inform. We ask you to recognize that we are committed to offering our readers a unique and, above all, truthful look at the issues we cover.


Nick Ubels

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