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Mehtab Rai – candidate for accessibilities representative

This article was published on October 17, 2012 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

On his qualifications for the position

“What qualifies me is the education I’m getting here. Just as of last Friday, I’m a philosophy major and a political science minor so my education would kind of help me as an accessibilities representative to do my job better. The previous experience that I have is as a representative-at-large for the board and also as VP social in the past for the SUS. In the present, I’m the president for the Cascade Journalism Society and I recently became the VP social of the political science students association so I do have some knowledge of non-profit organizations that I wouldn’t mind sharing with the SUS again.”

 On accessibility issues at UFV

“The real problem that I see is that if a person needs an assessment to see if they’re disabled or not and if they have a previous assessment, they need to go back and do that. … It’s essentially almost half of your tuition if you’re a domestic student.

“Another big problem we have is that at some places around the school. We could put a ramp perhaps by B building or something but, and I know that the ramps around. I don’t know if we need ramps around the SUB building or…”

Concluding remarks

“The one thing I can promise is a more open SUS. I’d just like to say good luck to most of the candidates here. And even if I don’t win I think that even though it’s a steep learning curve with SUS, I’m pretty sure these guys will be able to do their job admirably.”

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