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HomeArts in ReviewNaNoWriMo Update: Week Two

NaNoWriMo Update: Week Two

This article was published on November 20, 2012 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

Print Edition: November 14, 2012

Dessa Bayrock

Working title: The State of Giraffes in Absolute Darkness

NaNoWriMo username: DessaYo

Confidence to finish 50,000 words in one month: 85 per cent and rising, because I’m trucking through like a boss.

Current wordcount: 20,224

The weird thing I noticed about my novel is that I’m writing it in present tense. I never do that. Is that weird?

Still keeping roughly up to where I should be – I think. I’ll pull a day-long marathon sometime and get well and truly caught up. I’m not even going to look at Tony’s word count because I get too depressed about it.

Maybe the one mistake I made was promising my boyfriend that writing this novel would never cut into “us time.” Thanks a lot, past self. Now I just have to convince him to play more video games so I can type out some secret chapters while he’s not looking. (And if you’re reading this, honey, these are not the droids you’re looking for. Didn’t the new Assassin’s Creed just come out? Sounds kick-ass!)

In other news, I’ve killed off my giraffe a couple of times but keep bringing him back to life. His name is Gavin. You’re welcome. I also gave one of my characters a bedbug infestation. Am I a bad person?

Karen Aney

Working title: working titles are still for suckers

NaNoWriMo username: KarenAney

Confidence to finish 50,000 words in one month: that’s what she said

Current wordcount: 14,000

I think I’ve officially given up on having one coherent novel at the end of this.

That being said, I’m hovering around a respectable wordcount. What I’m most pleased with is that it seems to be a habit now to sit down an write a chunk before going to sleep.

Since I’m writing chunks of different projects (this week’s was a female version of Tucker Max), I think December might end up being the coherent month of the novel for me.


Telling myself that helps me sleep at night, anyway . . .

Sasha Moedt

Working title: The Virgin

NaNoWriMo username: smoot

Confidence to finish 50,000 words in one month: 78 per cent

Current wordcount: 21,817

Okay, I’ll admit it: I just did all the easy, fun parts, and now I’m going to be stuck with the boring, necessary explanations and in-between points in my plot. My confidence level has now dropped because I know that I won’t want to deal with the details. It’s boring, it’s slow, it’s necessary.

I like to jump around to the dramatic moments, when someone is in pain or love or ecstasy, or when I am describing the really super cool setting. Like cobblestones.

So I write 500 words of awesomeness here, 1000 words of awesomeness there. I named my main character Wilhelmina. And she’s actually a very exciting person. I’m really crossing boundaries here. But I’m not even half-way there! I have what, 16 days left? All that boring stuff . . .

And now I’m dealing with a question that needs to be answered: why did my serious criticism of Western sexuality turn into a Harlequin romance? Why?

Anthony Biondi

Working title: The Big Smoke

NaNoWriMo username: ABiondi

Confidence to finish 50,000 words in a month: 90 per cent

Current wordcount: 27,681

The pace has definitely slowed. For a little while there was this lull where everything just seemed to stand still. I had a situation, I had characters, but nothing wanted to happen. I tried to get it moving but nothing interesting was going on. I felt like I was floating face up in the Fraser.

Thankfully, I’ve found my muse. It’s not rushing, when the plot point is so needed that the story depends on it. So now the steam is picking up once again.

In terms of time, I only really have time for about 1800 words a day. That involves disregarding any semblance of free time I may find. I work, I eat, I go to school, I write. Such is my life right now.

Gods, I can’t wait for November to end and I can just relax and play a mindless game or two.

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