By Taylor Breckles (Contributor) – Email
Print Edition: January 29, 2014

Dear campus heroes Tim Hortons, AfterMath, and Sodexo,
What would we do without your brimming pots of liquid onyx, and sweetly coated confections? What would happen to the student body without mac and cheese, chicken strips, or burgers? How would we survive without the nourishment that you provide us?
We wouldn’t.
This is why, dear franchise friends, I take it upon myself to thank you, for all the good deeds you do for the floundering, suffering, starving students of UFV.
Even though the Tim Hortons on campus doesn’t accept gift cards, we love it anyway. Even if AfterMath sometimes runs out of products because of late deliveries, we continue to swarm to it as if it were a watering hole in the Sahara.
We would like to thank Timmies for allowing us to refer to it by cutesy (and sometimes not so cutesy) nicknames while we wait, sometimes seemingly forever, in the long lines that form during mid-class breaks.
Let me just say, Timmy Ho: the caffeine, doughnuts, and bagels are worth waiting for.
Sodexo, we thank you for providing the food necessary for the campus establishments, such as the cafeteria, to function. We can only eat packed lunches for so long before a treat is necessary, and some of us can neither manage nor bother to pack a satisfying lunch for ourselves even on a good day. Without Sodexo, we the lazy, flustered, and stressed would starve.
We students spend a great deal of time and money eating, drinking, and making excuses to eat and drink. Without you, the providers, we would be lost — hopelessly meandering around campus in the early hours of the morning without the necessary jolt to awaken our senses. Likewise, we would be helpless to sate the festering hunger that strikes us before class, during class, after class, and while skipping class. Without you, dear AfterMath, those of us who drink beverages with an XXX label would be forced to go to Finnegan’s, which is much too far away.
I don’t think people realize how necessary you three wondrous establishments are to us. While we may become frustrated if we have to wait or if you run out of our favourite treat, at least we have you here.
Likewise, we thank the workers for putting up with our constant demands and trying to appease our fussiness or frustrations. They are the angels from heaven (not at all an exaggeration). Can you imagine having to work the many rushes at Tim Hortons? I can only imagine a hectic, chaotic mess of busy.
I say, there should be a day on campus dedicated to thanking Tim Hortons, AfterMath, and Sodexo. We can call it everybody-gets-a-free-doughnut day! After all, according to ever wise words of Justina Chen, “Adventure in life is good; consistency in coffee even better.”
In short, our adventures are born at UFV while the coffee (and food) of you three heroes allows us to keep pushing forward towards our goals.
For this, we are ever in your debt.
Taylor Breckles