By Esra Al-Abduljabar (Contributor) – Email

Five years old: You’re in kindergarten. Your mom dresses you in a pink dress, squeaker sneakers, and your favourite hairstyle, pigtails, using those decorated Barbie hair elastic bands.
Ten years old: You’re still wearing your favourite all-pink outfit, a Hannah Montana shirt, and even pink jeans. Your hair grew longer and you’ve now started to do ponytails and braids for yourself. You have your pink backpack and matching lunch box. You just got your first coloured chapstick and your friends are so jealous.
Fourteen years old: You’re in high school now. You wear leggings, a hoodie, and Uggs every single day. You’re now allowed to use eyeliner but your right and left eyes fail to look the same — not even close.
Eighteen years old: Your makeup is now always on point because you’re grown up. All your friends have conquered it too. You have mastered the science of winged eyeliner and your eyebrows are always on fleek. You’re in love with those high-waisted skirts and purses. You bring a purse to school but it doesn’t fit your binders.
Twenty-five years old: You’ve been in university for a while now. You dress professionally with black skirts and white shirts or sometimes just jeans and flats. On exam days, you wear your favourite sweatpants and hoodie along with the ever-popular messy bun.
Thirty years old: You wear your favourite white dress, a wedding dress, with a white pair of heels. You love it even more than that pink prom dress you wore years ago. You now wear glasses because of all the hard work and studying you did in university, but it paid off with your dream job.
Thirty-seven years old: You’ve stopped wearing makeup, and you’re too busy to do your hair so you just leave it down. You wear your favourite pair of jeans and the same black sweater to work. Your daughter is now five and you dressed her up — in a pink dress, squeaker sneakers, and her favourite hairstyle, pigtails.
Fifty years old: Your daughter bought you Capri pants today and a white baggy shirt; she knows the type of style you like. You thank her and take her to your room for a surprise. You give her a pink dress, your prom dress. She tears up.
Fashion trends, like everything in life, will always go in and out of style. Accept and remember those that hold a story and meaning behind them.