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Snapshots: Good study methods? Thanks a lot, Facebook! Canada Reads: what’s the point? Cheer up, Affleck!

This article was published on April 6, 2016 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

 Good Study Methods?




With midterms drawing to a close and finals looming before many of us, we’re getting ready to dive back into the deep end of studying. Those little facts from the beginning of the semester that you’ve forgotten need to be drawn up from the dusty depths and stamped into memory.

But what is the most effective way to do that? All my lectures this semester had two midterms. For one class in particular I did a lot of studying in advance and felt good before writing — though after writing it, I was disappointed, as I received a low grade.

Meanwhile, I had better results on my other midterms that I spent only the day before studying for. On the second midterm I studied for a couple of hours the night before and morning of, and improved by an entire letter grade. So what gives? The material was harder, but the last minute cramming seemed to be more effective. Ironically, I think further study is needed to get to the bottom of this.

Cam Stephen

Thanks a lot, Facebook!


phone fb


Why, Facebook? Did you really need to add to the addiction you cause?

Recently, Facebook added a mini basketball game within the messaging app. In order to play it, you must send a basketball emoji in a conversation with a friend and tap it. Essentially, it’s a generic basketball game where you use your finger and swipe to shoot the basketball into the hoop. Depending on if you score or miss, an emoji depicting the respective results will appear. At 10 points, the basket moves from side to side, and at 20 it moves even quicker. At 30 points … Well, I haven’t gotten that far (yet).

The secret game is simple, yet it is fascinatingly addictive, and like any other new fad, it will cease to be entertaining one day. But for now, I will spend too much time playing it when I really should be studying. It is a great way to be competitive with friends without actually breaking a sweat. I don’t know whether to be thankful or filled with hatred, but you did it again, Facebook!

Harvin Bhathal 

Canada Reads: What’s the point?




Am I supposed to care about Canada Reads? The event itself is sort of interesting, I guess. A bunch of literary people get together and argue about literature on the radio. Cool. But I’m just not interested! As someone about to graduate with an English degree in Canada, there’s probably something wrong with me.

Of course it’s no problem that we focus on particular nations and cultures when looking at art. It’s often illuminating. It’s also often tiresome when it seems like every literary magazine and university lecture has to insist its Canadian-ness.

I think I’m off-put when things make an effort to be Canadian, as if it took an effort. It’s happening here; of course Canada reads. And it’s not that I don’t understand the effort when you’ve a got a cultural superpower to the south trying to manifest destiny all over your media, but I just can’t share the fear of losing my Canadian identity when who I am dictates my identity and not the other way around.

Alex Rake

Cheer up, Affleck!



Batman V Superman hit theatres last weekend, and critics instantly began tearing it apart, slamming it as though it’s some kind of abomination. I’m so sick of seeing “critics,” professional or otherwise, who seem to do little more than trash and hate on a film, belittling everyone involved and any who might have liked it.

Why do so many people seem so eager to shit on — and find it so entertaining to hear others shit on — whatever they’re reviewing like pretentious, opinionated pricks? Props to those critics who still choose to examine / acknowledge the good aspects as well as the bad, and actually show some consideration for the people involved and the passion and work they put into it. No film’s perfect, and everyone has a right to their own opinions, but just because you personally didn’t care for something doesn’t make it complete garbage.

Overall, as a huge comic book fan, I enjoyed it, and am happy to say most others I’ve talked to did as well. So hopefully Sad Affleck can be Glad Affleck, seeing that while many people may not have loved it, fan reactions seem to be mostly positive.

Kat Marusiak

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