Soundbite: Susan – Never Enough

This article was published on October 18, 2016 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

A long time ago I was scrolling through Instagram, and on the “photos your friends liked so you might like this too” section — you know what I’m talking about — I found a video of a band, featured on the page of the record label they were on. And this girl’s playing the catchiest riff ever on guitar. And the caption only said: Susan.

So after weeks of looking up different bands with the name “Susan” on YouTube and Google, I found them. I found Susan. And they’d recently released an album. And my friends, let me tell you that the time I spent Googling random bands called Susan was so worth it.

Listen to “Somebody New,” the second track on this record, and you’ll be sold. It’s punchy, slightly dissatisfied, but laden with such sweet little guitar fills. This song will sell you on the whole album. And if it doesn’t, then the melody underlying most of “Leave Me,” along with the band’s Nico-esque three-part vocals will.


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