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HomeFeaturesThe Cascade’s Guide to Procrastination

The Cascade’s Guide to Procrastination

This article was published on November 29, 2019 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

Find the difference

Can you spot the 11 differences between these two procrastinators? 

Word Scramble

Are you ready for your finals? Unscramble these words that are entirely unrelated to your exam questions and essay topics while you contemplate that answer. 


  •  nyetaxi
  • arcisonpatter
  • seyas
  •  ifla
  •  loochla
  •  dincefont
  • dingmith
  • teefad
  • spas
  •  cavoitan


  • Anxiety
  • Procrastination
  • Essay
  • Fail
  • Alcohol
  • Confident
  • Midnight
  • Defeat
  • Pass
  • Vacation


Looking for some multiple choice question practice? One of these crossword hints might vaguely relate to something you are studying. If it pops up on your final, you’re welcome. 



4: The second noble gas on the periodic table. 

6: Removing the unwanted portion of a picture; corn.

9: The study of asking questions but not answering any of them. 

10: Equivalent to 33.8 U.S. fluid ounces; a good volume to measure coffee consumption in. 

12: Used to visually document late-night study sessions for social media. 

15: A tax on imports or exports.

16: The empty space between the edge of the page and your notes. 

17: A 14-line poem written in iambic pentameter.

20: An artificial fabric that is made from cellulose.

22: Smack, sizzle, splat, sploosh, swish. 


1: A divine being.

2: The colour that results from mixing red and blue. 

3: The ordinary form of written or spoken language.

5: Used to repair people or socks. 

7: All organisms of the same species that live in a particular area.

8: How high you are above sea level.

11: A highly trafficked river that ends in the North Sea. 

13: You, brilliant reader, but mostly those who are studying instead of doing a crossword. 

14: A waxy art tool that is definitely not edible. 

18: A number that comes after eight, but isn’t quite 10; you get this many drummers drumming on the ninth day of Christmas; number of sides on a nonagon.

19: A big brass instrument.

21: Do this with all your sources.  




4: Neon

6: Crop

9: Philosophy 

10: Litre

12: Camera

15: Tariff

16: Margin

17: Sonnet

20: Rayon

22: Onomatopoeia 



1: Deity

2: Purple

3: Prose

5: Needle

7: Population 

8: Elevation

11: Rhine

13: Smart

14: Crayon

18: Nine

19: Tuba

21: Cite







Your weekly life predictions made by Ang the Great

Aries – Mar 21 to Apr 19

You are being tested this week, but try not to give in to your tendency to run away. Remember that this challenge will ultimately help you grow and make you stronger. Don’t be afraid to get help; there are resources and support systems all around you.

Taurus – Apr 20 to May 20

A relationship you thought had a strong foundation will crumble before your eyes this week, but this will oddly come as a relief to you, since you have been holding on to that not-quite-right relationship for far too long now.

Gemini – May 20 to Jun 20

You are a dreamer, and often those dreams lead you astray and cause you to neglect the situation you are currently in. It is okay to dream, to plan, and to envision a bright future, but don’t forget to show gratitude in whatever situation you are in right now.

Cancer – Jun 21 to Jul 22

Let out a good cry this week, sweet Cancer. You need it. You have been holding on to some strong emotions for a long time, and sometimes it feels good to just let it out. Give yourself a few moments, and let out that big, ugly cry that has been pent up inside you.

Leo – Jul 23 to Aug 22

Get out of your rut and do something kind for someone this week. Go out of your way to help someone by giving your friend who relies on public transport a ride somewhere, showing appreciation for the little things by thanking the barista at the Fairgrounds who made your drink, or just smiling at the classmates you recognize on your walk to class.

Virgo – Aug 23 to Sept 22

You will find yourself in a heated argument with your partner this week. Try your best to see their side of the story. When you listen to their side, don’t listen to respond — instead, listen to understand. Try to see where they are coming from.

Libra – Sep 23 to Oct 22

Fill your cup this week, as it is impossible to love others without first loving yourself. Take occasional breaks from writing your final papers to focus on yourself: do some yoga, meditate, or just take a long, hot shower. Do something to put yourself first.

Scorpio – Oct 23 to Nov 21

You tend to lean to one extreme or the next, but it’s important to find balance in your life, as not every situation is black or white. Look for level ground to stand on this week, and you will soon feel the tension in your shoulders relax and your mind ease.

Sagittarius – Nov 22 to Dec 21

Please get some sleep. Treat yourself to a luxurious, fuzzy blanket you can wrap yourself in like a burrito and get a full night’s sleep. Your assignments will be better, your friends you’ve been snapping at all week will thank you, and your mind will finally feel clear.

Capricorn – Dec 22 to Jan 19

You strive to be unique in all that you do: you are strong, fiercely independent, and no one can outshine you. This trait is what draws other people to you, but make sure to give space for other people to shine their light this week. 

Aquarius – Jan 20 to Feb 18

This is the week your dreams will get crazy. You will dream of four-headed monsters, talking grilled-cheese sandwiches, or swimming in a pond of weightless, neo-coloured pebbles. Just go with the flow, and try to write these dreams down once you wake up for a good laugh later.

Pisces – Feb 19 to Mar 20

You have always been somewhat of an awkward turtle, with those around you never fully understanding your jokes, your choices of clothing, or just your general mannerisms. But you will find someone this week who will complete you, and  get you on a deeper level than you thought possible.


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Darien Johnsen is a UFV alumni who obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree with double extended minors in Global Development Studies and Sociology in 2020. She started writing for The Cascade in 2018, taking on the role of features editor shortly after. She’s passionate about justice, sustainable development, and education.



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