Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeSnapshotsWhat if poltergeists are just ghost cats?

What if poltergeists are just ghost cats?

Late at night, when I can’t sleep, I hear strange noises in the house: the crashing sound of my belongings as they’re thrown from the kitchen table, unearthly yowls echoing through the hall, and a desperate scratching on the walls. Frankly, it’s unsettling. The reason I haven’t called an exorcist? I know the source of the strange clatter: my cats.

Yes, it’s annoying, but listening to their nocturnal antics has helped me better understand a mysterious phenomenon that has plagued humanity for centuries: poltergeists. Are they disgruntled human visitors from another plane of existence? Nay, they are cats. Think about every poltergeist movie you’ve ever seen. The ghosts are always knocking over lamps and tearing at the wallpaper for no apparent reason. Sounds like the behaviour of ghostly cats, no? Perhaps they’re unhappy with the food selection in the afterlife. I suspect that if we were able to talk to them, we’d get a hungry “meow” in return.

Of course, that still doesn’t explain the strange messages scrawled in human blood on my wall — but I wouldn’t put it past our furry feline friends.

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Matthew Iddon was born at an exceptionally young age. He aspires to one day become old. He currently resides.


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