Aries – Mar 21 to Apr 19
You are driven by desire, which often makes you jump into opportunities without giving it much of a second thought. This causes your romantic relationships to follow a pattern that starts with intense passion and fervent desire, but the flame burns out as quickly as it ignites. Recognizing these destructive patterns is the first step to change.
Taurus – Apr 20 to May 20
You appreciate the finer things in life and are ruled by luxurious experiences and possessions. Only the best is good enough for you. Just be careful to stay within your means when you are treating yourself, as your tastes may be beyond your paycheque.
Gemini – May 21 to Jun 20
You are probably the smartest of all the signs due to your unquenchable thirst for knowledge. This may be why you have been in school for the past eight years; you just can’t stop yourself from taking any class that sounds remotely interesting. Maybe try wrapping up some of your projects and studies, and focus on what has made you the happiest to learn about.
Cancer – Jun 21 to Jul 22
You are constantly being led by your gut which is why it’s important not to doubt it. You have been channeling this energy from a young age, so trust your intuition when something feels off, even if it may seem irrational to some.
Leo – Jul 23 to Aug 22
You are extremely confident, and most of the time very prideful and stubborn. Although it is amazing to have such high self-worth, be careful not to be fooled by flattery. Remember that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Virgo – Aug 23 to Sept 22
You are practical and down-to-earth, and although you are not extremely empathic or driven by emotions, you are excellent at reading people and figuring out someone’s angle. This may be why you stick to a core, devoted group of friends who you have known for as long as you can remember. But why not try branching out a bit and developing a relationship with someone you may not have considered before? Think of all the knowledge you could soak up!
Libra – Sep 23 to Oct 22
You desire justice and peace as deeply as you crave beauty and romance. Your calm, sincere presence is often enough to end even a fierce argument. Your eye for elegance and luxury allows you to transform heaps of garbage into works of art. Just be careful not to spend too long trying to balance the scales, as others may not have your patience.
Scorpio – Oct 23 to Nov 21
You’re an individualistic sign, one that is determined to arrive at their desired destination no matter what it takes. You have a steadfast hope in the universe, trusting it to catch you when you take great leaps of faith into the unknown, but knowing that is exactly where you must go in order to grow. Keep taking risks, even the ones that make every hair on your body stand up in great anticipation. That’s when you know you’re going in the right direction.
Sagittarius – Nov 22 to Dec 21
Represented keenly by the archer, you consistently hit the mark of every goal you aim for. Your optimistic worldview is a result of consistently doing things that bring joy and happiness into your life. The only downside is that there are far too many curiosities to focus on at once, which may lead to consistent indecision. Try to find your purpose in the perfect combination of something that brings you joy, helps others, and creates abundance, all at the same time.
Capricorn – Dec 22 to Jan 19
You know exactly where you are going and how you are going to get there: through hard work and a deep sense of responsibility. You understand your limitations and restrictions, and you don’t ever try to push past them; instead, you diligently stay on course. There are times you feel anxiety and fear over not achieving the goals you have set for yourself, but take assurance in knowing everything must happen in its own time, so continue to be patient.
Aquarius – Jan 20 to Feb 18
Your unconventionality makes you extremely tolerant, broad-minded, and welcoming of every person you cross paths with. Let’s be honest, you’re a weird one, but the kind of weird that makes everyone around you feel comfortable to let their weird self shine as well. Embrace your curiosities and strangeness, because that’s truly where you shine brightest.
Pisces – Feb 19 to Mar 20
Your compassionate nature leads you to always be looking for ways to help others. Those around you can sense your sympathetic side and lean on you for comfort. Be wary of those who want to take advantage of your mercy and kindness, as your ability to see the best in everyone can sometimes cloud your judgement.