The three-way intersection of Gillis Avenue and College Drive on the Abbotsford campus serves as a simple lesson in understanding road signs. There’s a stop sign that most students abide by, but the two signs that are marked “DO NOT ENTER” seem to be hidden from the view of oblivious drivers. While College Drive is a two-way street by Finnegans, it becomes a one-way just past it where the staff parking lot is. Despite having clearly marked signs and arrows on the road that point in only one direction, there are many times that I have been driving down the road, only to almost have my car’s front end become flatter than a pancake because people still try and take a not-that-short-cut down College. Drivers seem to think that there is enough room for my car and theirs, despite having vehicles parked on both sides of the street. So please, abide by the signs that are put in place, and don’t put others’ safety in danger because of convenience for you.