For me, getting the degree itself has never been the finish line I’ve been waiting for (plus the fact that I’m continuing with other studies), so to a certain extent the walk across the stage last week was more of a performance than it was a big moment. I was also pretty salty about the cost of the regalia — they should just sell us black snuggies with a hat. However, what really made me proud wasn’t my walk, it was seeing all the faces and hearing the names of so many people whom I’ve shared this space within the last few years. I don’t know what the moment felt like for them, but with the way the world is it was a wonderful showcase that there is still room to be optimistic, because I know I’m surrounded by people who have the dedication, talents, and ability to change it. If anything else, I’m glad I got a front-row seat to their last steps here; now I’ll know where to follow for our tomorrow.