SFU union strike set for this week
BURNABY — The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU) at SFU is preparing to protest this week during the first two days of the Fall 2015 semester. The TSSU says that after six weeks’ notice, SFU administration had no proposals or negotiation plans to bring to the scheduled mediation. However, SFU’s director of communications Kurt Heinrich states that SFU had five proposals that were tabled because the TSSU did not accept them. Some classes may be cancelled in the first week, due to the membership at the picket lines including faculty.
– The Peak
SUS Extraordinary General Meeting scheduled for next Tuesday
ABBOTSFORD — The Student Union Society (SUS) is holding an Extraordinary General Meeting next Tuesday, September 15 at 9 a.m. in room S1114. SUS will present their operating budget for the 2015-2016 fiscal year, which consists of student fees from both domestic and international students at UFV. The proposed bylaw changes include extending the term of office for board members by one month (to April 30), and to include all SUS executives in the creation of the operating budget.
Chilliwack medical marijuana to be grown on agricultural land
CHILLIWACK — Since the province added rules to the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) that licensed medical marijuana is allowed to be grown on farmland, the Chilliwack City Council has expressed their dissatisfaction. Councillors brought up arguments about the smell and chemicals used to grow marijuana affecting neighbouring homes, and had attempted to create an industrial zone to house the plants. However, this bylaw now has to be changed to align with the provincial regulations. A public hearing for the rezoning bylaw is scheduled for September 15, 2015.
– The Chilliwack Progress