I’m a huge fan of board games. I pride myself on being most excellent at Scrabble with a near perfect winning streak. My favourite game, BANG! is a translated Spanish game which I do not often win, but I enjoy playing it as it allows for many players to join in.
However, the last time I played I was singled out by a partner player who murdered me out of the game before I could play two turns. “Oh this is okay, you are just being competitive because it’s your first time. That’s cool,” I thought. I sat by for 30 minutes until the end of the round and tried to enjoy watching.
We began a second round, and before I could have my first turn the same player murdered me out once again. Now, I try to be a forbearing dude, but this was just a travesty. How do you deal with these situations? I moved to the living room alone and considered my life and if it was okay to just be cool with ding-dongs like this, or if sportsmanship was the kind of thing you extended up to only a certain unspoken point of contractual reciprocity. I settled on a plan of attack. I suggested Scrabble next and then beat them into oblivion. That’s the sportsmanlike thing to do, right?