Conventions can be a great time. It’s unfortunate that wisdom of this has slipped out though, because now everyone knows and that often leads to crowded spaces. This is usually okay and foot traffic is to be expected, however, being in a crowd that reeks of body odour is never a pleasant experience. Personal hygiene is important, as it keeps you healthy and the nasal health of those around you in good condition. I get it, conventions can be long and arduous, and all that walking and heat generated by the masses can cause some sweating. Yet this is precisely why it is important to slather on some deodorant before heading out to ensure you are as fresh as a fire flower from the Mario universe. So please, take the time to take care of yourself, and in turn, you will not impede on the experiences of others and will be less susceptible to dirty looks when in crowds — unless of course you decide to block pathways. Don’t be that person either.