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HomeArts in ReviewDear Robin: Family Feuds & Roommate of the Year

Dear Robin: Family Feuds & Roommate of the Year

This article was published on January 8, 2020 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

Life is tough and confusing and weird. We all need help sometimes, and when you need an expert opinion, you turn to an expert opinion-giver like Robin Halper. Whatever problem you’re facing in life, Robin will have a solution. The Cascade cannot guarantee the effectiveness of Robin’s unique approach to life, but if you’re in a jam, get some advice by writing to

Family Feuds

Dear Robin,

I got into a pretty major fight with my parents when going back home for the holidays; they said a visual arts degree was useless and I would end up homeless, but I think differently. Anyways, we’re not really talking anymore now that I’ve moved back to the Fraser Valley, and I don’t know what to do. I used to call them all the time but now it seems weird to. What should I do?


Future Homeless Artist


Child-parent relationships are complex, especially when parents are close-minded and unwilling to let their child do whatever the hell they want. As long as they’re not paying for your tuition, continue that VA degree and live off of room temperature cans of beans and leftover crackers from on-campus events. Easy. But if they’re the ones paying for your classes, try to at least have a civil conversation with them about your legitimate hopes and dreams to see if they actually want to still financially support that.


Roommate of the Year

Dear Robin,

I stayed here in my apartment while my roommate went home for the holidays and… well… I drank all of the liquor he had stored in the cabinet above the fridge. The worst part is, I don’t have the money to replace it. And to be clear, I didn’t get his permission to drink all of the alcohol, I just did, and it definitely wasn’t my smartest decision. 


Lucked out on liquor


Firstly, talk to someone about this other than an anonymous newspaper personality who is, of course, helpful with many things, but can’t give you all the tools you need to succeed in this crazy world. UFV has some excellent counsellors who can deal with all of the problems that come your way. Secondly, I hope you saved those bottles and caps so that you can fill them up with water, add food colouring when necessary, and use a lighter to meld the plastic from the covering of the cap and bottle plastic together to make it look like you didn’t touch a thing. Thirdly, if that doesn’t work, Craigslist has plenty of ads looking for new roommates.


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