Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Community of Practice: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

Online Via Zoom

Monday nights just got a whole lot more exciting thanks to Trivia Night at Old Yale Abby! Join us every Monday for an evening of brain-busting fun, cold beer, and great company. Registration starts at 5 pm with trivia starting at 6pm, so gather your team, grab your thinking caps, and head on down! Whether […]

Managing your Money

Online Via Zoom

Carol Peters is a Stó:l? and Chawathil knowledge keeper and has a deep understanding of the plants belonging to Stó:l? temexw. In this Traditional Plant Walk, we will learn the Halq’eméylem names, the relationships, and the gifts of these plants. This event will help guide us towards appreciating the wealth of knowledge within each plant.

Games Night

This event will help us reflect on the gifts and generosity of cedar. Ts’elxwéyeqw educator, Gracie Kelly, teaches us how to weave cedar into bracelets while embracing the teaching of Lets’emo:t, Lets’eth’a:le (one heart, one mind). All cedar materials will be provided.

Slyvia Platters at the Banquet Room

This exhibition showcases the diverse ways that AI technology is being used in the creative process, including but not limited to, digital art, installations, video art, and mixed media. UFV students and the community were invited to submit their AI-assisted creations and explore the submission streams to showcase their innovative works that challenge traditional notions […]

Installation Ceremony of Dr. Jo-ann Archibald Q’um Q’um Xiiem

The installation ceremony for UFV’s fourth Chancellor Dr. Jo-ann Archibald will be held on Thursday, May 9, 2024, from 3:00 – 4:30 pm in the Gathering Place at UFV’s Canada Education Park campus. The ceremony will be followed by a reception with refreshments in the Atrium.

Games Night

? Get ready to go global in the world of fun and games! ? Drop-in anytime between 5:00-7:00pm at the Global Lounge for Games Night. ? We have games that […]

Holistic Approaches to Teaching and Learning

Join Lorna Andrews in our upcoming Holistic Approaches to Teaching and Learning Workshop. Indigenous peoples of turtle island have strived to live a balanced lifestyle. This balance relates to the […]

Brothers Osborne

Abbotsford Centre 33844 King Road, Abbotsford, Select a State:, Canada


Run for Water

Run for Water takes place at Mill Lake Park in Abbotsford. The start and finish lines for all race distances is on Bevan Ave. (33015 Bevan Ave, Abbotsford).

Territory Acknowledgement Workshop

During this session, we will learn about the Halq’eméylem speaking Stó:l? peoples intrinsic relationship with what they refer to as S’ólh Téméxw. We will connect with the land and learn how to create a personal and culturally appropriate territory acknowledgment. *This workshop will be conducted outside. Dress appropriate for the weather. Dates: • April 17, […]

Games Night

? Get ready to go global in the world of fun and games! ? Drop-in anytime between 5:00-7:00pm at the Global Lounge for Games Night. ? We have games that transcends borders and unites gamers from all around the world! ? Snacks and drink

Games Night

? Get ready to go global in the world of fun and games! ? Drop-in anytime between 5:00-7:00pm at the Global Lounge for Games Night. ? We have games that transcends borders and unites gamers from all around the world! ? Snacks and drink

Just Dancing with SUS

The Student Union Society is hosting an electrifying event, "Just Dancing with SUS," on June 18, 2024, in Evered Hall. Aimed at providing students with a refreshing brain break, the event promised an exhilarating experience of movement and music through the popular game, Just Dance. We invite you all to come and take a break, […]