By Alex Rake (The Cascade) – Email
ScreenGasm, the current show in the S’eliyemataxwtexw Art Gallery, is an example of just how tuned-in UFV students are to the trash of mainstream visual media. Each work highlights some implication of using screens by using screens, which is often interesting and usually hard on the eyes.
While there are many videos projected on the walls, the pieces that stand out are the installations. “TV Wall” is a stack of monitors all showing different images and clips by the participating artists, a sort of video collage that at times synchronizes in interesting ways. “TV Dinner” by Mitch Huttema is a human figure with a TV for a head, showing trashy news footage from a couple of years ago. His body is made out of edgy articles from recent issues of The Cascade, and he’s eating a plate of dirt.
None of it is very uplifting, but it isn’t meant to be. At the very least, ScreenGasm is inciteful, at times even funny, and totally worth the trip to B Building.
Editor’s Note: Mitch Huttema is The Cascade’s Multimedia Editor