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Potatoes and Pink Vodka: Julia Dovey’s upcoming book explores online harassment, narcissistic parenting, and sibling rivalry

Local author gives the details on her latest book, and some advice for aspiring authors

This article was published on February 1, 2023 and may be out of date. To maintain our historical record, The Cascade does not update or remove outdated articles.

UFV Alum Julia Dovey is publishing her second book,  Potatoes and Pink Vodka on March 1. A literary fiction and romance novel represented by BWL Publishing, Potatoes and Pink Vodka follows Mindy Adams, a novelist and janitor, who is contacted the day after her mother’s funeral by her old university nemesis, Diane Dew, with a strange request. Dovey stated in an interview via email that the novel explores “concepts of online harassment, sibling rivalry, and growing up with a narcissistic parent. I was inspired, oddly, by a random YouTube drama involving an obsessive online stalker.”

Potatoes and Pink Vodka is Dovey’s second novel, following Lipstick Tattoo which was published May 2022. Dovey is a copywriter, video editor, book editor, and novelist who hails from a “very artsy fartsy household” in Aldergrove. Now living in Abbotsford, Dovey is also presenting writing workshops at the Chilliwack Cultural Center this winter and spring. 

But a writer is not without the guiding hand of an English teacher and words of inspiration. “My first key experience was reading a positive comment from a high school substitute teacher (whose name I’ve since forgotten, and to whom I dedicated my first book) on my short story assignment,” said Dovey. “Something clicked, and I immediately rushed home and begged my parents to buy me a computer, any computer, that ran Word.”

Dovey also credits UFV’s creative writing program as a game changer in her writing, as she explained; “Another key experience: reading a comment on my play in first year playwriting, telling me to submit to the Louden Singletree. Then, later on, having an impromptu stage reading of the play at the Louden Launch, and hearing people laugh at the jokes I’d written (…) teachers, you have immense power in that pen of yours.”

Then there’s the age old question: is there advice you have for young writers aspiring to publish? To which Dovey provided a helpful list of advice, browsing the many stops an author might come across when mapping out their publishing journey.

  1. Don’t worry about being rejected

The first thing to keep in mind is that rejection is part of the deal, according to Dovey. “Having a well-written book is only half the battle (…) a friend of mine sent over a hundred queries before finding a publisher.” Be willing to take it in stride and keep moving forward.

  1. Have a fantastic query

Dovey cites a strong query letter as the key to getting the attention of publishing agents. “It’s your foot in the door. Your book could be literally perfect, but if your query sucks, it’s going in the scrap pile. Look up successful queries, model yours after them.”

  1. Schmooze like your life depends on it

Just like many other career paths, connections and networking are vital. “Success comes from knowing the right people, and having those connections. I got in contact with my publishing house because my friend put in a good word for me,” said Dovey. “Agents keep an eye out for queries that say “I met you at…” or “I was referred to you by…” so get out there and network! 

  1. Work that social media, and know your market

Dovey believes that social media fluency is a critical skill for authors hoping to get published. “It’s part of the author’s life these days. If you become an author, you’ll need to build up a following.” Dovey, who herself started with about 20 Instagram followers and now has over 700 across her Instagram and TikTok accounts, says including a social media marketing strategy can be a great way to make your query stand out. 

  1. Plot out your book

Beloved fantasy author George R.R. Martin once said that “There are two types of writers, the architects and gardeners. The architects plan everything ahead of time. The gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed and water it. They kind of know what seed it is (…) but they discover as it grows.” Dovey referred to this concept, stating “so many new writers insist they’re gardeners, but I would bet most are actually architects.” Dovey highlights the importance of mapping out your plot on a beat sheet, and making sure you see it through to the end. “You need to finish, otherwise, you’ll only practice writing beginnings.”

When Dovey isn’t writing, she says her “favourite thing to do these days is make silly videos to post on my writer’s Instagram and Tiktok.” You can find Dovey on both social media sites at @Julia_Writes_Things

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