Sunday, March 9, 2025
HomeSnapshotsWhat’s your secret?

What’s your secret?

A lot of people are curious how I got to be so good at all the different little hobbies of mine. From streamlining cable knit hats, to a perfectly balanced cinnamon roll recipe, to a fully customized PC, I’ve polished every project I set my heart on until it is pristine and shining. Other people wonder where I get the time to do it in the first place. Is it even possible to read all the books I do in the minimal amount of days it takes?

I’d like to think I’m just incredibly cool and am naturally gifted, but the reality is pretty lackluster. I just have a habit of hyperfixating on an activity and forgetting the rest of the world. I will spend every waking moment I have on the singular goal. If I have a five minute break at work, I’ll spend it on my project. So how did I perfect the cinnamon roll recipe in less than a week? Let’s just say a lot of people I know received cinnamon rolls that week.

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Emmaline is working on her BA and ambitions to become an English teacher. They always say, those who cannot do, teach. She spends her free time buying, reading, and hoarding books with the hope that one day she will have no furniture and instead only have piles of books.

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