By Megan Lambert (The Cascade) – Email
Print Edition: July 16, 2014
BC Transit’s Fraser Valley express bus has been approved for funding, but the Student Union Society (SUS) has not determined if the service will be linked to the U-Pass.
The bus will connect Chilliwack, Abbotsford, and Langley (with limited stops at key communities) via the Trans-Canada Highway. Abbotsford’s bus stop will be at the McCallum Park-and-Ride and Chilliwack’s will be in the downtown core area.
“The project is in design at the moment,” notes Rebecca Newlove, senior transit planner of the Fraser Valley region.
BC Transit looks to implement the service as soon as spring 2015, given approval and availability of funds from local partners.
Though UFV’s shuttle already directly connects the campuses, SUS wonders if investing in this new bus would benefit students.
The UFV campus connecter shuttle services the Abbotsford and Chilliwack campuses directly, whereas the express bus would have pick-ups and drop-offs in different locations of the city. Students would have to use municipal transit in order to reach the campuses.
The shuttle fee is $17.75 per semester. If UFV were to contribute to the express bus, usage would be covered by the U-Pass, although whether it would affect the fee has yet to be determined.
Additionally, Langley students would gain greater access to the campuses, and the route would connect to the Skytrain.
SUS president Ryan Petersen is meeting with BC Transit in late July to further discuss the options.