I sit in my lawn chair, binoculars in hand, beer beside me. My grandma walks over and asks if I’m planning on doing anything with my Saturday. My fiancé comes outside and asks if I want to play a game. I can’t, I say, I’m busy with my newfound favourite hobby of all time: bird watching.
Possibly the most relaxing hobby ever invented, bird watching (for me at least, and I am far from a professional) involves sitting very quietly outside, looking through a little bird identification book, searching for your favourite birds and discovering new ones, cold drink in hand to help stave off the dehydration. Bird watching is thirsty work.
So far I’ve spent hours outside in the fresh air watching eagles build a nest, two little finches feed their little finch family, swallows swooping over corn fields, and my cat attempting to eat about 20 starlings, three robins, and an eagle. All from the comfort of my chair.
Image: Amara Gelaude/The Cascade